
Disclaimer regarding the information provided on our platform:



 PhoneRateBD presents the official prices of mobile phones and gadgets in Bangladesh, reflecting the rates when products are officially available. Please note that additional VAT (Value Added Tax) may apply to the official prices, varying between approximately 2% to 7.5%.


Prices for unofficial devices are sourced from several reputable retail outlets in Bangladesh, each offering its service and parts replacement warranty. As prices may slightly differ between shops, we aim to display the lowest price observed from our selected outlets.


International phone prices are obtained from credible sources such as brand websites, Amazon, or Flipkart upon release. These prices are then converted to Bangladeshi Taka on the day of publication, providing an estimate for Bangladeshi consumers. However, currency fluctuations may lead to price variations in BDT on subsequent days. Additionally, it's worth noting that international and Bangladesh variants of a product may have differing technical specifications.

Please be aware that prices and availability status of devices may change over time. While we strive to promptly update information upon receiving it, we cannot guarantee that all listed devices are currently available at the displayed prices. We recommend double-checking prices through various channels such as retail shops, brand showrooms, official websites, customer care, or verified social media pages before making a purchase decision. For further information on where to buy or order mobile phones or gadgets, refer to our shops page for price references.


We cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of specifications. Although most specs are sourced from official brand sites and trusted sources, errors may occur during manual data entry or for other reasons. In instances where terms require interpretation, such as the "made in" section indicating "Bangladesh," it refers exclusively to the official version of the phone being made in Bangladesh. Unofficial models are always imported.

Rating & Reviews:

Ratings and reviews are based on research, knowledge, understanding, opinion, and experience of the writer. They primarily rely on general understanding of specifications, market trends, pricing, and user feedback. While recent reviews may include online hands-on evaluations from various tech experts, older reviews might be solely based on specification understanding. Consequently, real-life user experiences may vary due to hardware and software quality. It's essential to recognize that the user's experience with a phone is unique and service quality often depends on individual usage. Therefore, ratings and reviews serve as general indicators and should not be taken as absolute. Moreover, ratings and reviews of discontinued gadgets are no longer updated.

Brand Information & Blog Posts:

Historical information on individual brand pages and blog posts is gathered from authentic sources. However, similar to other areas mentioned, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of the data.

Shops/Where to Buy Page:

While we list shop names on our "Shops" page to assist visitors in identifying popular local retail shops and online outlets, we do not guarantee price consistency between our site and these shops, nor can we guarantee the availability of all the latest phones listed on our site. Additionally, each shop is responsible for its products, warranty, delivery, etc. We maintain neutrality and independence as PhoneRateBD, without forming partnerships with any shop or brand.

Fair Information Policy:

As part of our commitment to fair information, brands or businesses can request updates to their information at any time. If there are delays in updates or misinformation, we strive to promptly verify and update the information accordingly.

For further inquiries, you can reach us via email at phoneratebd@gmail.com.


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